Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Newsletter

Welcome Back!
We hope you had an enjoyable holiday break and are ready to get back into the swing of things!

Winter Attire
Please make sure that your child comes to school with appropriate clothing for winter weather. We are still seeing students arriving at school wearing short sleeves, Capri pants, thin sweat shirts or sandals when it is 30 degrees outside.
To increase the chances of lost items being returned, we urge you to write your child’s name on the article with a permanent marker.

Here are a few reminders about attendance that might be helpful.
• School officially begins at 8:30 a.m.
• Please call the office first thing in the morning if your child will miss due to illness and arrange with the teacher for someone to pick up any missed work for that day.
• Inform the office and teachers well in advance of preplanned absences such as vacations or surgeries and arrange for work to be picked up and made up.

Open Enrollment
Just a reminder that the Open Enrollment window closes on February 18th. Applications are available in the office.

Healthy Lifestyles Campaign
Our next challenge in the Healthy Lifestyles Campaign will be the “Smart Beverage Challenge” in March.

Parenting with Love and Logic
The Parenting with Love and Logic course is designed to help parents practice effective parenting without the power struggles.
Parenting with Love and Logic teaches parents and children to accept natural consequences and reach a win/win agreement.
Course length is 4 weeks. For questions, a schedule, or to pre-register please contact Monica Hullinger at 354-7483.

Council PTA Reflections
The following students received awards December 2nd at the Council Level for the Reflections entries:

Awards of Merit (Work that was recognized as exceptional)
• Literature: Emily Mason
• Visual Arts: George Holm

Awards of Excellence (work that was recognized as exceptional and chosen to move on to the Regional Level)
• Literature: Jacob Gee
• Theater: Tristan McAfee
• Photography: Samantha Sorensen
• Dance: Samantha Sorensen

Thank You
Many thanks to:
• Stacey Hatch for her continuing efforts with Reflections
• Kim Droubay and her committee for serving up dinner to our teachers in December
• Tammy Daybell and Sarah Miles for taking care of the teacher's Wish List Trees.

2011-2012 PTA Board
We are looking for people who would be willing to serve on the PTA Board or as one of our Commissioners for next school year. If you are interested, please contact Jami Welch at 801-489-5528

Fridays are the day to show your school spirit by wearing your school t-shirt or sweatshirt or wearing the school colors (blue and yellow).

There are always opportunities to volunteer at Art City Elementary. If you are interested, please call Jen Follette at 801-489-7036.

Art City Blog
We invite you to check out the Art City Blog at The Art City PTA is also on Facebook. You can find us by searching for Art City Elementary PTA.

Registering and updating your information ONLINE!

1. Go to
2. Click on SIS button
3. Click on “Create Parent Account” to see directions or follow the steps below.
4. Click “Login to SIS”
5. If you have a username and password, proceed. If you don’t, click on “Request a Username.” Put in Student ID# (This is their lunch number and they also use it to log in on the computers in the Art City computer labs. When you enter the number for one of your children it will pull up the information for all of your children.) Confirm info and create a username and password. Now you can log in!
6. Once you have logged into SIS, click “Update Student Information.”
7. Check on information by clicking pencils. Add emergency contacts, e-mail, addresses, ethnicity, etc.
8. Make sure to hit “Save” and “Verify.” You are done!

Thank you for using the new on-line system. This should make up-dating your information quick and easy!

Please call the school if you have any questions or problems.
Art City Elementary

(all dates are subject to change)

Jan 3 School Resumes
Jan 4 PTA Meeting in the Faculty Lounge 10 a.m.
Jan 5 School Community Council 3:15 p.m.
Jan 13 SEPs for K-3rd grades 3-8:30 p.m.
Term 2 Ends
Jan 14 No School – DDD
Jan 17 No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan 26 2nd Grade Program for school 9:15 a.m.
Jan 27 2nd Grade Program for Parents 7 p.m.
Jan 28 6th Grade College Day with Parents

Feb 2 100th Day!
School Community Council 3:15 p.m.
Feb 9 Spring Pictures
Feb 17 No School – Presidents Day