Friday, January 9, 2009

Fine Arts Day Help Needed

Dear Parents of Students at Art City Elementary,

We have an exciting opportunity to be involved in an upcoming event held at Art City Elementary on Feb. 27th (the date is still somewhat tentative). Fine Arts Day

We will have a number of guest artists from both the visual and performing arts. Students and Teachers will receive special training and performances from highly qualified instructors and performers.

If you have special training and would like to participate, or could recommend someone you know, please contact the office.

We will also need parent volunteers the morning of the event to assist students. A tentative time frame is 8:45 to 11:15. If you are interested in helping please respond by calling the school office or emailing me at

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for being willing to help.

Kellie Chatfield

Art City PTA

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