Thursday, April 16, 2009

radKIDS update and thanks from Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Anderton

radKIDS has been a lot of fun this year. As students repeat the class it is fun to see how much they still remember and the joy they get in staying safe. As we have been teaching the 2nd grade, it is fun to see how excited they are to learn how to keep themselves safe, knowing when it's okay and when it's not okay to use their techniques.

When you find yourself constantly saying "no, get back here", remind your students by asking them "Do you have the right to hurt yourself?"

Then say: "You are potentially putting yourself in danger if I can't see you, you can't hear me or if you are too far away for me to help you."

If they are hitting: Ask them "do you have the right to hurt anyone, including yourself?"

Remind them "No one has the right to hurt them and if someone has 'pushed' them or 'hit' them, they can come and tell because it is not their fault if someone tries to hurt them trick them or make them feel bad inside, and when it's not their fault they can tell".

Thank you for all those who took the time and helped with radKIDS this year. We look forward to another great year and hope that as parents you are finding it helpful and have a desire to come and help next year, we need you!!

Thank you Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Anderton

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